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Re: [school-core] First real administrative decision

Ok. There were new entries for the Greek Research Network for some reason, so I
deleted the old and added (one of) the new. There's also an EFL in China new
member which we should welcome.

I'll wrte inner peace now and cc it.


Quoting Doug Loss <drloss@suscom.net>:

> david@members.iteachnet.org wrote:
> > Agreed. Have you already written them? Let me know if you'd like me to
> do it.
> >
> > David
> I'd appreciate it if you would write them, David.  I think it's best if
> we have
> one person in charge of contacting members about this sort of thing. 
> Since
> you're maintaining the members database, you're the logical one.  We'll
> all help
> if you ask, but I think you should be the lead voice in this.
> BTW, are there any pending member groups?  I've received a few
> subscription
> requests for this mailing list, but I don't approve them till I know
> they're from
> a bona fide group representative.
> --
> Doug Loss                 All I want is a warm bed
> Data Network Coordinator  and a kind word and
> Bloomsburg University     unlimited power.
> dloss@bloomu.edu                Ashleigh Brilliant

David Bucknell
http://schoolforge.net member