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Re: [school-core] Fwd: Re: Innerpeace: Your SchoolForge Memberships Status

david@members.iteachnet.org wrote:

> So, what do you all think?
> David
> ----- Forwarded message from jerryc@innerpeace.org -----
> the traffic has gotten a little much, david

It amazes me sometimes how little traffic some people expect to see on a
mailing list.  Neither of the Schoolforge lists are remotely high-volume.

> our current focus is more at the university level, but we'd love to get
> innerpeace in more high schools and junior highs, too

According to our procedures, they have to be doing something to further the
use of open resources in education, right?  Do they qualify?  As others
have said, from their website it's not clear to me that they do.  Plus, I
don't see any link to Schoolforge on the site.

> if i were to only get one list, which one would you suggest, and is
> there a digest version?

Well, the representative of each group _must_ subscribe to
schoolforge-core.  It seems kind of self-defeating to me to join a
coalition and then to not take part in it.  Why join at all?  If it's
because you support the goals of the coalition but aren't interested in
working toward those goals, then you should be a supporter rather than a

Doug Loss                 All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator  and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University     unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Ashleigh Brilliant