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Re: [school-core] Fwd: Re: Innerpeace: Your SchoolForge Memberships Status

In my eyes from all the information they provide they do not fit in to the 
goals, so as to what I see they can be a supporter but a member is a tough fit 
for them.
Matt Jezorek <matt@bluelinux.org> 
Blue Linux <http://bluelinux.org/> 
Lead Developer / Project Admin / Founder 
gpg fingerprint = 99C9 E059 13AF 751D 2BE4  4E10 601B DD7F D68A 2FB6 

Quoting Doug Loss <drloss@suscom.net>:

> david@members.iteachnet.org wrote:
> > So, what do you all think?
> >
> > David
> > ----- Forwarded message from jerryc@innerpeace.org -----
> >
> > the traffic has gotten a little much, david
> >
> It amazes me sometimes how little traffic some people expect to see on a
> mailing list.  Neither of the Schoolforge lists are remotely high-volume.
> > our current focus is more at the university level, but we'd love to get
> > innerpeace in more high schools and junior highs, too
> >
> According to our procedures, they have to be doing something to further the
> use of open resources in education, right?  Do they qualify?  As others
> have said, from their website it's not clear to me that they do.  Plus, I
> don't see any link to Schoolforge on the site.
> >
> > if i were to only get one list, which one would you suggest, and is
> > there a digest version?
> Well, the representative of each group _must_ subscribe to
> schoolforge-core.  It seems kind of self-defeating to me to join a
> coalition and then to not take part in it.  Why join at all?  If it's
> because you support the goals of the coalition but aren't interested in
> working toward those goals, then you should be a supporter rather than a
> member.
> --
> Doug Loss                 All I want is a warm bed
> Data Network Coordinator  and a kind word and
> Bloomsburg University     unlimited power.
> dloss@bloomu.edu                Ashleigh Brilliant

BlueEDU Linux (http://www.bluelinux.org)
Open Education for the Mind