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Re: [school-core] Fwd: Re: Innerpeace: Your SchoolForge Memberships Status

Ben Armstrong wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 18, 2002 at 12:39:00PM -0500, Doug Loss wrote:
> > Well, the representative of each group _must_ subscribe to
> > schoolforge-core.  It seems kind of self-defeating to me to join a
> > coalition and then to not take part in it.  Why join at all?  If it's
> > because you support the goals of the coalition but aren't interested in
> > working toward those goals, then you should be a supporter rather than a
> > member.
> To satisfy supporters, should we have a schoolforge-news list to keep
> them in touch with what's happening in schoolforge?  I guess news postings
> could be crossposted: schoolforge-news, schoolforge-discuss so that we
> don't have yet-another-list we need to subscribe to. :)  Or you could just
> leave it as a separate list (since the -news stuff is likely to be redundant
> with current -discuss topics anyway).

I don't think we should have another mailing list for this.  Open Source Schools
should be fine for keeping up with news about what Schoolforge members are
doing.  David is always looking for more people to write for OSS anyway. :-)
Maybe we should have a page for supporters telling them where such information
will be regularly posted and encouraging them to subscribe to
schoolforge-discuss, though.

> Of course it's brash of me to suggest such a list and not volunteer to
> prepare the reports, so feel free to trash my idea. :)

So you're comfortable with being brash, or you're volunteering your services?
Which is it? :-)

Doug Loss                 All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator  and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University     unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Ashleigh Brilliant