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[school-core] Re: Your group needs a representative for Schoolforge

hi there david,

i am in a quandry: i beg to .. to... inform? you that
your requirements lead me to believe that
you misunderstand the role of, and my role in, linux.edu.

my time is very limited, such that i am at present "skimming".

i would prefer that it not be a requirement that we have to
subscribe to schoolforge-discuss.

why? because we are inviting _others_ to participate in projects
that can be found via linux.edu, and we cannot countenance
subscribing _other people_ against their will to such projects.

i realise that this is somewhat different from the individual
projects on schoolforge.net.

if i, personally, was doing... say.... a single individual project
... say...


then i would have no hesitation whatsoever in accepting your
kind invitation to join the mailing lists, and would place
your logo prominently on the http://homelearning.linux.edu web page.

but i am not: i am rapidly jumping from site to site collating
information, and to be absolutely frank, i haven't the time
as a very _very_ part-time volunteer to do full-time reading
of even _one_ project's mailing lists on a full-time basis.

i _will_ however be using google.com and other search engines
to find references to other projects and groups, in order to make
linux.edu of more use world-wide, and also to yourselves and
to your members on schoolforge.

and if my searches come up with references on the schoolforge
mailing list archives, great!

i _will_ be encouraging _other_ projects and other people to
get to know about schoolforge: that is my role.

basically i want to set this site up, kick-start it, and then
leave it well alone.

unless i _personally_ want to start up a project as an
_individual_, not in my capacity as the administrator of

On Sat, Jan 18, 2003 at 06:52:00PM +0700, David Bucknell wrote:
> Dear Kenneth and Linux.edu participants,
> Again, welcome to Schoolforge. I want to let you know that 
> Schoolforge requires
> that you choose a representative. It doesn't mean that everyone 
> can't be
> involved in the discussions. They take place on schoolforge-discuss 
> anyway. Each
> group has one vote, however, so you need one representative to cast 
> it.
> Otherwise, we'd have to know more math, ;-).
> Additionally, I see why you require approval for posting to 
> core@linux.edu, but
> by using it as your addresss, this means that anyone who posts to
> schoolforge-discuss will get your pending approval notice and this 
> isn't good:
> sort of viral. So, please choose a single schoolforge-core member 
> with an
> individual address and then ask members to subscribe to 
> schoolforge-disucuss.
> That's what we did when my group at opensourceschools.org joined.
> In fact, fyi, we decided not to have our own mailing list about 
> general issues
> so that we would be better participants in schoolforge. However, we 
> kept our own
> lists for authors and issues special to our own projects.
> At any rate, please consider my requests and I'm cc-ing this to the 
> voting
> membership so that they can comment if they disagree with me.
> Best wishes,
> David
> for the Schoolforge Membership
> -- 
> http://www.iteachnet.org
> http://members.iteachnet.org/webzine *
> http://opensourceschools.org *
> http://schoolforge.net *
> http://www.over-seas.com *
> http://www.rose-marie.ac.th *
> ------------------------------------------------
> http://members.iteachnet.org/
> http://www.opensourceschools.org/

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Doug Loss              All you need in this life is
drloss@suscom.net      ignorance and confidence,                     
   and then success is sure.
                         Mark Twain