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[school-core] Re: Your group needs a representative for Schoolforge

On Sat, Jan 18, 2003 at 09:49:12PM +0700, David Bucknell wrote:
> Hmm. I see what you're saying. I've read your three replies and 
> .... I'm still
> thinking.

  ah :) *embarrassed* :)   [oh you got them?  i am reconfiguring my 
laptop as a local
  test system for when i do admin on linux.edu, i also move from
  location to location so am never sure if people get my email!]
   you read my many ramblings?  cool.  rare :)

> When we started schoolforge we had some similar discussions. The 
> thing is we
> don't want to get into a situation where we're competing for 
> dominance.


heck, no.

> That's
> why schoolforge does not seek to subsume resources of others, but 
> to promote
> them.

i noticed.

> Sounds like that's what you're doing, too.


your mission statement is _similar_ to ours but not identical:
there is plenty of overlap, which is why i contacted you.

i understand that you are promoting the means and methods to
create _schools_ using open source tools and projects.

we are more like the google.com "open directory", and the
groups.google.com and news.google.com and advogato.org
all rolled into one, with a specific focus on open source
in education.

training, government initiatives, trade unions, universities,
schools, early learning.

> We now have a good number more
> than 100 international organizations involved.

i noticed!

btw have you looked at the google open directory?

go via http://linux.edu/url and see "open directory".

it lists some more linux educational projects.

> We don't control what they do,
> but we try to keep each other informed.

i understand.

personally, i was concerned about getting overwhelmed and
over-involved in something that i was originally only asked
into to help set up the web site!

and i'm talking about linux.edu, not about schoolforge.


...is it a low, medium or high volume list?

can i set to daily digest mode?

> That's why belonging to the
> schoolforge-disucss list is important for you and your members.

i understand: i can however only encourage others, not enforce
it or mandate subscription: i can pass things on.

basically my role is most similar to that of a diplomat:
a facilitator, but with no real authority, only to pass opinions
and information on.

> Meanwhile, I
> don't know what to say about your plans. I believe OFSET's leaders 
> do not have a
> problem belonging to schoolforge-disucuss, but OFSET doesn't belong 
> to
> Schoolforge. So, whatever you do, consider getting people to join 
> the mailing
> list.

yes, that is one of my aims.

> If you own their group, that's fine with us. My reasoning is that 
> we're
> all just trying to do something that works -- and not in the short 
> term. We've
> been at it a while, others longer than I, and we're still at it. 
> That's rare.
> I think we should try to find a way of supporting each other's 
> efforts rather
> than taking away from them. That's why I support Seul/edu which is 
> the farthest
> along/most experienced at what we're doing -- and _they_ support 
> others nicely.
> Let us know what you decide, but please understand that our 
> requirements are
> just practical, not competitive.

i do understand: i'm not into competing, but i _do_ want people to
be able to find what they want / need, and anything that helps do
that, with a minimum of technical knowledge required for them to
do it, is a good thing.

> The person who represents you need not be a
> leader, just a representative -- a name.

  let's assume then that that's me.

  my concerns are that my name and email address, via the join page,
  would end up on a publicly accessible page.
   via the joining page on seul.org that you sent me, i shortened
  the URL, found the index, and then found another page that listed
  all of the projects, descriptions, contact email addresses etc.

  if you can guarantee that:

  - you won't publish my name or email without asking (i.e. it will
    got on the mailing lists only, and as a "hidden" subscriber)

  - you could kindly set daily digest mode for me

  then i'll be happy to personally subscribe.

  i've _done_ the 100 to 300 (relevant!) emails per day thing,
  and i don't feel inclined to do it again unless i am paid to.

> All mail can be forwarded to your group
> if you like. I'll let others figure that out.


> Frankly, you can make it work for
> you as you please. Just don't open our schoolforge-core to more 
> than one person,
> please.

won't (can't. ?)

> I hope you'll encourage your members to join the 
> schoolforge-discuss[ion].

yes, most definitely.

> Please keep the communication lines open and I hope you will still 
> fine a way to
> join Schoolforge. I think you would bring a great deal of good 
> energy to the
> community. We could use that ;-).
