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Re: submarines

Jonathan Koren wrote:
> I know it's not a real simulator, I'm just think that by graying out the=20
> hexes containing hidden submarines (and thus raising a big red flag that=20
> there's a sub there), pretty much defeats the purpose of stealth. =20
> Stealth is supposed to make a unit sneaky.  It's not very sneaky if=20
> everytime a player tries to utilize it the gameboard says "Hey look! =20
> It's a submarine!".

I think you missed the point of what I was saying.  :)  I'm saying
that it should appear to be an empty hex and available for movement.
So maybe it shouldn't be grayed out (it's been awhile since I played,=20
relax) if the hexes available aren't grayed out.  THEN, if a player=20
tries to cross the submarine's actual hex, he stops one hex short and=20
has to resolve combat with the sub, and the *sub* is the attacker.=20
After that, if the sub stays there, he can attack the sub as normal:
he can see it until it runs away.
