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Re: FORTH plusminus, was Re: [f-cpu] Winograd DCT on my seul.org account
> > I think that you understand the problem. The only way to schedule an
> > algorithm in a high level language is after you generate the assembler,
> > and this assembler can't be rigt scheduled when it's generated, because
> > the intermediate representation didn't reflect the asm language.
> Hmm AFAIK about gcc it does scheduling as part of compilation and
A i don't understand what you mean by "as part of compilation". If you mean
that gcc do the schedule before sending the asm code to asm, I agree, but I
don't think that he do it before during the creation of the IR.
> it seems to work (well it not so good in all cases).
> I think that scheduling almost done assembler is hard because you
> nave not all the information. For example gcc allows you to mark
> conditions as "likely" or "unlikely" to branch - this should influence
> scheduling but it is not known at later stages ..
Yes, of course you need the knowledge of the IR and the ASM to compute the
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