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Re: [f-cpu] Simulator
Ben Franchuk wrote:
> Michael Riepe wrote:
> > That's the other side of the medal. IMHO, we need both a cycle-accurate
> > simulator and an instruction-level emulator. The former will be used
> > for studying, debugging and improving the design, the latter supports
> > early software development, and it probably also helps cleaning up the
> > instruction set, clarifying open ends and so on.
> Are their any tools to keep things in sync? The last thing you need
> is two really different versions of the hardware description.
concerning the instruction set and a certain set of constants,
there is a way to keep things synchronized. but it's only superficial :
architectural changes won't be kept synch'ed with m4.
i prefer to work at VHDL level : with an assembler, we can
generate binaries that will be executed by the VHDL simulator itself.
This is a powerful way to verify that our RTL code is valid.
when the RTL code is ok, we can re-write and simplify it in C,
which will be certainly much faster ...
> Ben Franchuk --- Pre-historic Cpu's --
> www.jetnet.ab.ca/users/bfranchuk/index.html
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