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Re: [f-cpu] last news about licence
Yann Guidon a écrit :
> hi !
> nicO wrote:
> > Hello everybody,
> >
> > I just have a big conversation about the licende issue with Mélanie
> > Clément Fontaine. She's a lawyer who make a thesis about the
> > applicability of the GPL to the french law.
> how did you finally succeed ? i would love to be part of the discussion :-)
It's mainly by phone. She's very busy (3 weeks to reach her !!)
> > It was hard (;p) to explain all the issue of the hardware compare to the
> > software. But the result are there. So the source code is protected as
> > in the software world.
> As authors, it is a minimum : our copyright and author rights can be enforced
> and the project is protected.
> > There is also a protection on the mask file
> > (GDS2) because you could only produice it with the previous code. So
> > using GS2 file to by pass the licence, isn't really possible.
> this is where the story is getting more complex, right...
> > So if we use the GPL it's impossible to mix it with proprietary
> > code (so we can't distribut it as an ip).
> i thought that GPL was good only for software ? so the linking mechanisms
> and some definitions of the GPL don't apply.
It's apply the same. It's about source code which produice binaries
which describe hardware. So hardware is behind this step and does not
bother us.
> > If we use the LGPL, it's possible (as for library) to use with other
> > type of code.
> i am not particularly fond of this solution, as others know.
> LGPL is often understood as "weak" GPL and it can be perceived as
> a wrong signal.
Yep, but in software world. There is no OS in hardware.
> let's remember that F-CPU was not started as an "IP core project"
> in the beginning btw.
> > Or we can create all knew licence, with the definition of interface
> > (API). But we will have problem to write it without a lawyer.
> i prefer this way. This will be the occasion to define everything
> in the right context and probably start from a new, non-GNU, ground.
One more ? I think there is far too much open sources licence and i
beleive that's not a good point to write a good one one more time. I
find 2 new licences ( www.systemc.org and www.testbuilder.org ) for
tools for hardware design (c++ class) but i can't say if it's really
free or BSD-like or MS-like.
It will be the same for new comer : try to understand what is really our
> > As you should know i prefer to use a licence to distribut the fcpu as an IP.
> can you be more precise about "a licence" ?
The right that you give to the other (GPL said some thing as : "i give
you the same right as me but you take away my own right.")
> > So i suggest to translate our current licence to LPGL. It's possible
> > because only Michael, Whygee and Cedric had written code. They own the
> > copyright on there code. So there knew code version could use LGPL
> > licence.
> I do not think that it will magically solve our problem.
What's are the remaining problem ? The bad image of the LGPL ?
> > Comments ?
> it is still a hot topic :-)
> thanks for restarting this discussion,
de rien ;D
> > nicO
> WHYGEE (trying to cleanup his f-cpu source file tree)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> PS: i CC: to the hardlicense-discuss mailing list, as it might be
> of interest to others.
> *************************************************************
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