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Re: [f-cpu] Communication problem
On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 10:14:09AM +0200, Cedric BAIL wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> It seems to be a communication problem on the French mailing List.
> A lot of people joined this list and they say it is difficult to join the
> project because the website is not up-to-date.
Don't worry, it will probably never be.
> Some of these new guys have the time and the knowledge to quickly create a
> dynamic website. This is why some of them where working on tuxfamily. The french
> team have selected this host, because we know some people in this french
> association. They give us some possibility to have subdomain like seul.f-cpu.org
> that can redirect us to f-cpu.seul.org. So when this will be ready we can switch
> the f-cpu.org to this site (of course it will be in English). Thus, we will have
> a single access point that will redirect to the actual website on an address
> basis
Whaddya talking, "the french team"? There is only a *single* team, and I
am part of it - or something is wrong. Since you decide things without
even considering to ask me or discussing them in the `public' (that is,
on *this* mailing list, not on the french one!), there definitely *is*
something wrong.
> After what Paul and Daique were working on two different CVS. One whant to
> sync it with gaos and the other create a new one from scratch. But none of them
> know what the other is doing. When Yann discovered that, we were making a
> propsition on what to do with seul.org and tuxfamily.org. It appear a consensus
> on the french to use seul.org for private account and backup like what it does
> at the time beeing and to use tuxfamily when it will be ready for f-cpu.org.
"a consensus *on the french*"? Guys, you gotta work on your attitude.
See above.
> And now the communication problem appears, I wrote a mail, that was not clear
> on the french mailing-list and Daique thought this was a decision and not
> a proposition. So he started to work before we make a common proposition on
> the english mailing-list. I hope I have do it now and I was clear.
> But you must know that I only have a stupid modem at 28k and wasn't previously
> able to download cvs from f-cpu.gaos.org, because it contains a lot of very big
> files. (I didn't have an unlimited connexion, and I think that most of us have
> the same problem). So I think that we must take care on what we upload on the
> CVS.
Same here (although I recently bought a V.90 modem) - that's the reason
why I refuse to work with a remote CVS on a regular basis, i.e. check-in
all my changes and so on. I have a private CVS at home, that's sufficient.
> I think that the most important thing we must upload on the CVS is the manual,
> but perhaps I am wrong, and we must discuss on this now on this mailing-list.
The manual *sources*, maybe. PostScript, PDF and .tar.gz files really do
not belong into CVS. Everything that can be generated from the sources
within a reasonable amount of time does not belong into CVS. You can put
it on an FTP or HTTP server and add a `links.html' file to the CVS tree
(and also to the web site) which points to them. I prefer FTP because
you can see the size of the file before you download it (I don't like
big files either).
BTW: What do you think about converting the manual from LaTeX to XML?
That would allow us to transform it to many other formats, including
LaTeX and (X)HTML. That also means that we can put an up-to-date,
automatically generated, online readable copy on the homepage. LaTeX is
fine for printed documents, but I also need a browsable(!) manual with all
bells and whistles where I can quickly look things up when I'm developing
(I still refer to the 0.2 HTML version for that reason). And maybe the
newbies will have a better start then, too. Many people I know don't
like downloading and reading PDFs.
Michael "Tired" Riepe <Michael.Riepe@stud.uni-hannover.de>
"All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die"
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