Yann Guidon a écrit :
usually, it's the .vhdl file that has the name of the unit,
it's not a big one. for example :
entity EU_ASU is
-- operands
Din_0 : in F_VECTOR;
Dout_3 : out F_VECTOR
end EU_ASU;
architecture Struct_1 of EU_ASU is
use work.IAdd; -- make instantiated entity visible
component IAdd
generic (
WIDTH : natural := 64;
PIPELINED : integer := 0
port (
A : in std_ulogic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
Yh : out std_ulogic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0)
end component;
signal dummy : std_ulogic := '0';
--pragma synthesis_off
assert UMAX mod 64 = 0
report "UMAX must be an integer multiple of 64"
severity failure;
--pragma synthesis_on
adder : IAdd
generic map (WIDTH => UMAX, PIPELINED => 1)
port map (
A => Din_0,
B => Din_1,
Sub => Subtract,
Sat => Flags(12), -- as defined in the manual
Sig => dummy,
Inc => dummy,
Avg => dummy,
U => Size(2 downto 0),
Clk => Clk,
Rst => Rst,
En => En,
Y8l => Dout_0,
Y8h => Dout_1,
Yl => Dout_2,
Yh => Dout_3
end Struct_1;
i don't see where a clone wrapper is?
i mean, it only instanciate a IAdd.
a clone wrapper should instanciate WIDTH/64 ones, no?