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Re: gEDA-user: simulation advice

On Tuesday 03 April 2007 14:08, al davis wrote:
>  It still gets a warning on the "NK"
> parameter, and ignores it.  That is the same in gnucap or
> ngspice, or in gnucap with spice3f5 of ngspice models.

Actually, it is a one-liner to add the parameter.  I don't know 
what it does.  It is probably easy to add that too, but I don't 

To add the parameter so you don't get a warning, again in 
d_bjt.model ....

Somewhere in 
model BJT {
  independent {
    raw_parameters {
// add the line:
      double nk "don't know what this is" name=NK;

.. and you won't see that warning because now NK is a recognized 
parameter.  I am not doing it in the official one but you can.

There are a few rough spots in the .model files.  I am not 
fixing them unless they are big problems because I want to 
change them all to Verilog-AMS.  I want to minimize work on the 
detour so I can work on the real thing.

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