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Re: gEDA-user: chipscope vs. rerouting signals to test pads/pins

On Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 12:04:18PM -0500, John Griessen wrote:
> Larry Doolittle wrote:
> I have
> > done it on Debian, but the details are not distribution-specific.
> > The biggest hack is bypassing the stoopid shell scripts that
> > autodetect architecture and figure out which version to install.
> I use debian and would like to hear any hints.

Download the full webpack first (2.xGB).

The edit the setup shell script so that it runs the 32 bit installer
even if it detects a 64 bit system...

That's all, but you also have to install quite a few 32 bit 
compatibility libraries. I can't remember which ones right
now and I'm on a PPC machine.

Right now I'm fighting a problem with synthesis too stupid
(or trying to be too clever) wasting logic area and,
more critically, performance. 


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