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gEDA-user: Looking for tips to debug Icarus Verilog

Hello, I am having a problem running a Verilog simulation using Icarus
verilog on my Mac.  I have download and compiled the latest 0.9.1
snapshot as well as a few other snapshots.  I fully expect that the
problem has to do with my verilog code, or, more likely, with my
development environment, but I am at a loss for how to find the source
of that problem, short of figuring out why/how it is crashing

I tried firing up gdb on iverilog, but that doesn't do much good, as
iverilog is simply the driver program.  Is there a howto one can point
me at for debugging iverilog?

If you happen to be interested, here is what I get when I run iverilog:

 iverilog -I.. -o test_core.vvp test_core.v
../core.v:181: assert: elab_expr.cc:3334: failed assertion expr_type_
sh: line 1: 13134 Done
/Users/wpd/local/lib/ivl/ivlpp -L
     13135 Abort trap              | /Users/wpd/local/lib/ivl/ivl
-C/Users/wpd/local/lib/ivl/vvp.conf -- -

This is on a MacBook running OS X 10.5.6 with a very recent install of
the Developer tools and macports.

I would like to figure this out, both for the immediate problem of
getting my simulation running, but also so that I might contribute
back to the community -- at a minimum, I could look into updating the
macport for iverilog to 0.9.1.  I also have a few feature enhancements
I would like to submit for review, but that requires that I have a
development environment that allows me to compile and debug iverilog
with some confidence.


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