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gEDA-user: Found pins without the 'pintype' attribute:


I'm making a small project of the PIC Programator.
I find the Schematic on the internet..

I have done already the Schematic.
The schematic can be find here on my webserver:

I run on it gnetlist. Only one NOTE I get:

NOTE: Found pins without the 'pintype' attribute:
U101:1 U101:4 U101:8 U101:7 U101:2 U101:6 U101:5 U101:3 

and this is the LM555 Timer.

So, I don't know exactly all the pintypes of the LM555 but mayhep
they are these:

pin 1 GND:      pintype: pwr
pin 2 TRIG:     pintype: in  (?)
pin 4 RESET:    pintype: in  (?)
pin 8 VCC:      pintype: pwr

pin 3 OUT:      pintype: out
pin 5 CTRL:     pintype: out (?)
pin 6 THRES:    pintype: out (?)
pin 7 DISC:     pintype: oc  (?)

Is this true?

I think I need this because I want later to simulate this circuit
design.. I must to determine diodes D111 and D112 so that the Vpp be
max. +13 V.

Regards, Paul Csanyi

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