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gEDA-user: gnetlist - Found unknown component. Refdes..


I'm using gedasuite20080328 installed from tarball.

When I'm running:
gnetlist -v -g spice-sdb -o WPB_F18_PCB_v2_Prog.net
WPB_F18_PCB_v2_Prog.sch >gnetlist_error

I get the messages:
Invalid wanted_pin passed to get-nets [unknown]
Invalid wanted_pin passed to get-nets [unknown]
Found unknown component.  Refdes = J103
Found unknown component.  Refdes = J102
Found unknown component.  Refdes = J101
Found unknown component.  Refdes = CONN103
Found unknown component.  Refdes = CONN102
Found unknown component.  Refdes = CONN101

My schemaitc, netlist and gnetlist_error files are attached to this

When I run:
gnetlist -g drc2 -o WPB_F18_PCB_v2_Prog.drc WPB_F18_PCB_v2_Prog.sch 

I have no errors but only:
NOTE: Found pins without the 'pintype' attribute

I try to Google for solution and did find eg.: this:

How can I solve this problem?

Attachment: WPB_F18_PCB_v2_Prog.sch
Description: WPB_F18_PCB_v2_Prog.sch

Attachment: WPB_F18_PCB_v2_Prog.net
Description: WPB_F18_PCB_v2_Prog.net

Attachment: gnetlist_error
Description: gnetlist_error

Regards, Paul Csanyi

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