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gEDA-user: PCB Netlist syntax

What is the syntax for allotting a routing style to a net?

I saw the syntax here:
http://pcb.gpleda.org/pcb-cvs/pcb.html#Netlist-File and

I created the netlist using gschem2pcb and then edited it using a text
editor, adding the word "power" just after the net GND in the netlist.
The PCB log window reported no errors when I hit 'O' to optimise the
rats nest, but the autorouter ignored the route style.

If, instead, I use -power I get:
WARNING! Pin number ending with 'R' encountered in netlist file
Probably a bad netlist file format
Can't find  pin POWER called for in netlist.

Is there a caps/no-caps requirement? Or Tab separation?

P.S. Double checked that the correct netlist is getting loaded, and I
Do have a route style called 'Power' with fatter trace widths.



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