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Re: gEDA-user: Basic questions from a gEDA & Linux noob (replies to Vol15, Issue 24)

On Aug 16, 2007, at 9:03 AM, John Griessen wrote:

> Felix Fujishiro wrote:
>  I would like to turn off the visibility, to make it look
>> 'cleaner' and to avoid any chance of a random connection.... could  
>> you tell
>> me how I might do that?
> I found away to minimize a pin via editing the symbol file...not  
> sure if there is a way
> using the GUI to do it.   I changed a likely flag, and visibility  
> of the pin reduced
> to the red dot on its end.

The problem I see is that it doesn't "avoid any chance of a random  
connection": touch the dot with a net, it'll connect.

I'll repeat that I think that fighting the tool like this is bad  
form. I see very little burden to making that connection explicit.  
And sometimes you may want to connect the N well to something other  
than Vdd.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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