Yes I've followed the tutorial you linked,
gsymcheck give no errors for the sym I use (generic 7408 sym provided with geda)
for drc2 check, I've already done it and the result is some warning :
WARNING: Pin(s) with pintype 'output': U2:6
are connected by net 'unnamed_net11'
to pin(s) with pintype 'input/output': P6:1
WARNING: Unused slot 3 of uref U2
WARNING: Unused slot 4 of uref U2
I'm really lost and cannot found what's wrong in my schematic.
I've check the pinseq and pinnumber but I've not seen something wrong.
On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 7:25 PM, John Doty
<jpd@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Aug 14, 2008, at 2:28 AM, Ludovic SMADJA wrote:
> I'm creating a SUBCKT to simulate a 74191 counter. I use the schema
> provided in the datasheet and in this schema, there is an AND ic
> whith 5 entries.
Have you looked at:
> Invalid wanted_pin passed to get-nets [unknown]
A common reason for this message is components with duplicated refdes
and pin numbers.
> found pin with no pinseq attribute. Ignoring. . . .
Pins *must* have pinseq attributes for spice-sdb.
Have you checked your symbols with "gsymcheck -vv"?
Have you used "gnetlist -g drc2" to check your schematic? Pure
digital schematics are what it's designed for.
John Doty Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
John Doty Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
geda-user mailing list
Ludovic SMADJA