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gEDA-user: Halp! PCB crashing on my design

PCB Gurus,

This morning I made some edits to a design, saved the results, quit and 
checked them in to CVS. Now when I try to open the design up in PCB the 
application bails out without issuing any errors. Running pcb without 
arguments brings up the application, but attempting to load the design 
from the File menu also crashes it. Running pcb with the --verbose 
switch doesn't give anything particularly useful either:

Action: RouteStylesChanged()
ChangeGroupVisibility(Layer=0, On=1, ChangeStackOrder=1)
Action: LayersChanged()
Action: PointCursor()
Action: PointCursor()
Action: RouteStylesChanged()
ChangeGroupVisibility(Layer=3, On=1, ChangeStackOrder=1)
Action: LayersChanged()
Action: PointCursor(True)
Action: PCBChanged()
Action: PCBChanged()
	Template: /usr/bin/../share/pcb/ListLibraryContents.sh '%p' '%f'
	Path: .:/usr/bin/../share/pcb
	Filename: pcblib
	Parameter: (null)
EvaluateFilename: /usr/bin/../share/pcb/ListLibraryContents.sh 
'.:/usr/bin/../share/pcb' 'pcblib'
Action: LibraryChanged()
Action: PointCursor(True)
Action: PointCursor(True)
ghid_layer_buttons_update cur_index=0 update_index=3
	Activating button 3
Action: PointCursor()


This isn't a killer - I've got the previous version of my design in CVS 
and can revert to that so I would lose a bit of work, but it's not too 
bad. The question though: is there any way to find out what went wrong?

I'm using pcb version 20080202 installed from rpm for Fedora 9 with the 



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