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Re: gEDA-user: pcb keyboard shortcuts (and usability in general)

----- Armin Faltl <armin.faltl@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Andrew Poelstra wrote:
> > This problem prompted me to suggest redoing the layer selector
> > entirely to clean up the code, which in turn spawned the
> > workspace/functional block discussion.
> >   
> Since you want to do away with the radio buttons left of the layers for 
> activating
> I suppose you want use left-click for activate (like Kai-Martin every 
> 10th attempt
> I inadvertently do this anyway). A means to switch visibility must be found:
> once a right-click popup is assigned to the layer buttons, this would just
> be one of the properties, until then, how about using right-click or 
> middle-click?

I wanted to copy the GIMP: show icons for visibility/locking as part of
the list item, that can be toggled independently of visibility. Right-
clicking should pop up a full context menu for creating/editing/deleting
layers, geometric transforms, duplicating, etc.

As for buried vias, I don't think they should be related to the layer
selector at all.


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