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Re: gEDA-user: personal component library frustration-HELP/suggestions please?
John Hudak wrote:
> I've created two directories in my home directory to store symbol files that
> I create, and another directory to store footprints I create:
> /home/jjh/project/component_symbols
> /home/jjh/project/component_footprints
> How do I modify gschem to look in my home directory for symbols AS WELL AS
> THE DEFAULT symbol directory?
This is easier than not using the default lib at all. For gschem and gsch2pcb
put the following lines in your user gafrc:
/----------- $HOME/.gEDA/gafrc ------------------------
;(reset-component-library) ; don't use system symbols
;(reset-source-library) ; don't use system location for subcircuits
; Allow to source symbols from the current working directory
(define current-working-directory ".")
(component-library current-working-directory "symbols in project dir")
(source-library current-working-directory)
; Allow to source symbols from the local copy of geda-symbols
(define symbols "FULL-PATH-TO-YOUR-SYMBOL-DIR")
(component-library symbols)
; In case you have symbols in subdirs you can build additional paths on
; the fly. This example is for symbols/analog/diode
(component-library (build-path symbols "analog" "diode"))
; This statement makes gschem automatically enter subdirs:
(component-library-search symbols)
To make gsch2pcb find your footprints, add the following to your project
/-------------- YOUR-PROJECT.g2p -------------------
schematics YOUR-PROJECT.sch
output-name YOUR-PROJECT
I always add the options "skip-m4" and "use-files" because I don't
want any of the M4 generated footprints, ever. But this may be due
to personal prejudice.
To get your footprints in the PCB chooser edit the library line in
$HOME.pcb/preferences while there is no instnce of PCB running:
library-newlib = FULL-PATH-TO-THE-DIR-ETC:./footprints:.
Note, that unlike with gschem/gnetlist, you have to provide the Dir below
the dir that actually contains the footprints.
> If you have a suggestion on how to organise this in a better way, please let
> me know, and also tell me how to implement it.
IMHO, your set-up is perfectly fine :-)
Hope, this helps.
Kai-Martin Knaak
Email: kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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