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Re: gEDA-user: personal component library frustration-HELP/suggestions please?

On Mon, 15 Aug 2011 22:24:24 +0200
Kai-Martin Knaak <kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Colin D Bennett wrote:
> >  No big deal, just copy the symbols from the component
> > library into your new design project's Symbols directory as you need
> > them.  This small effort is, for me, completely worth it for the
> > robustness provided by avoiding dependency on external symbol
> > libraries.  It allows me to feel bold about making improvements to
> > my symbol library without requiring extreme measures to ensure
> > compatibility with existing schematics.
> gschem almost allows a much more convenient way:
> 1) Draw the schematics with symbols from a central lib.
> 2) embed all the symbols in the schematics. This puts a copy of the
> symbol in the *.sch file rather than just a reference.

Thanks for pointing this out.

However, I guess you can easily forget to embed one or two symbols.
I prefer a strict and robust process, even if it requires manual
intervention (e.g., to copy a file) once in a while.

> That way, changes in the lib do not affect the schematic at all. 
> Unfortunately, does exactly the opposite. That is, it removes the 
> local copy of the symbol in favor of a rererence to a sym-file in 
> the library. The nasty side effect is that you may get an incompatible
> version of the symbol.

How do you update the symbols in a schematic when you actually wish to
do so when they are embedded?  Hopefully you don't have to delete and
re-add them... that would require re-adding all customized attribute
values too.

> In addition, there is no way to export the 
> embedded symbol to some local directory. (Of course you can use a
> text editor and copy/paste)

Could you do "Hs" hierarchy down-symbol and then save it from there?


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