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Re: gEDA-user: About fonts

Em Qui 16 Dez 2004 11:49, Stephen Meier escreveu:
> Xtian,
> I think the problem with fonts for pcb is the need to generate gerber
> file output. The next statement could be completely invallid because I
> am no way near an expert. Gerber files use apetures to shine light
> through. Lines are easy because you can make a circle and move the
> circle with the light on. For quality text characters you would need to
> generate an apeture for each character, for each font and for each point
> size that you use. I don't know if gerber files have a maximum number of
> apatures or not.
> Best Whishes,
> Steve Meier
> Xtian Xultz wrote:
> >Hello all
> >
> >Sorry if my question is silly. The font that gschem produces in the sheets
> > are very nice, I like it a lot. But the font that PCB generates, IMHO, is
> > very ugly. As far as I know, they use completely diferent way to do it.,
> > PCB have a file with the fonts made just by lines. I am trying to make
> > another set of letters for PCB, but didnt find a good way to do it, but I
> > am trying. My question is, is it possible to incorporate in the code of
> > PCB the same way that gschem use to generate the caracters, and stuff? Or
> > is it possible to use a library like freetype to make it?

I understand now, thak you very much!