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Re: gEDA-user: wxPCB Goals
John Sheahan wrote:
Dan McMahill wrote:
Bob Paddock wrote:
* Designator renumbering and back-annotation to gschem files.
on a vaguely related subject - has anyone attempted backannotating spice
results - say DC operating point, to gschem?
Not that I know of, but that and also cross probing (click a gschem net
to plot it, click a gschem element to select the corresponding one in
pcb) would be super useful.
It seems like you'd want to put an annotation attribute on each pin to
let a simulator write a voltage to those. And on elements like a MOS
transistor, have an array of annotation attributes (or maybe just a
single multi-line one?) where you could write back things like gm, cgs, etc.
The reason I mention cross probing is that that and the backannotation
are both things where you'd like some other program to communicate with
a running gschem and have it do something.
Anyone have experience with such communication between processes?
Hopefully if it ever gets implemented we don't open up a security hole
by listening on some socket. Not that any commercial tools (*cough*
cadence) have ever had a DOS vulnerability due to this...