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Re: gEDA-user: gschem symbol search order

El vie, 27-10-2006 a las 08:08 -0400, Ales Hvezda escribiÃ:
> Hi,
> >If you have a  (component-library "...") line in your local gafrc file
> >(in $HOME/.gEDA), should that directory be searched before any others
> >for symbols?
> 	Yes, that is what I expected when I first read your e-mail.  But
> after investigating the code...
> >
> >I seem to find that if I save the design then reload it, gschem picks up
> >a symbol of the same name from the geda library instead of the one from
> >my own library. I can rename my own symbol, of course, just wondered...
> 	Ack!  This is changed behavior.  It seems that the order is
> now different then what I expected.  libgeda/gschem should always search
> the component libraries in the reverse order (that is your local libraries
> should be found first), however it is not doing that.  This is a bug
> and will be fixed.   Thanks for the bug report.

Hopefully it's fixed now in HEAD.



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