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Re: gEDA-user: printing out more than one schematic sheet as a ps document

On Tue, Dec 18, 2007 at 12:33:55PM -0700, Nate Lowrie wrote:
> I have searched through all of the FAQs and doc and haven't found the
> answer that I am looking for.  I have a schematic that has three
> sheets to it, say MySchematic-1.sch, MySchematic-2.sch,
> MySchematic-3.sch.  I want to print them out to a single ps document.
> Is there a way to do this?

Here's the makefile snippet I use:

SHEETS != awk '/^schematics / { $$1=""; print;}' project

schem.pdf: schem.ps
        ps2pdf $>

schem.ps: $(SHEETS)
        rm -f ONEPAGE.ps
        for S in $(SHEETS) ; \
        do \
        gschem -q -p -oONEPAGE.ps -s/usr/local/geda/share/gEDA/scheme/print.scm
$$S ; \
        cat ONEPAGE.ps ;\
        done > schem.ps
        rm -f ONEPAGE.ps

Ben Jackson AD7GD

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