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gEDA-user: Log files [was: Re: gsch2pcb Process switches]
On Wed, 2009-12-02 at 17:39 +0000, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> On Wed, 02 Dec 2009 17:32:33 +0000, Peter Clifton wrote:
> > NB: Logs are now stored in ~/.gEDA/logs/{progname}-{date}-{counter}.log
I don't like it either.. I was far happier when it dumped them into
`pwd`. My personal preference would be for no log files to be produced
at all (by default), and to dump in `pwd` or $configurable_place when
logging is enabled.
> IMHO, $HOME/.foobar should be used for config purposes only. I wouldn't
> expect log file there. Why not /var/log/gEDA/foobar.log ?
/var/ might not be a good place for user specific log files, due to
permission issues.
In any case.. a big dump of log files in a particular directory means
that it is quite hard to find the one you want to read. (Not that gEDA
log files typically have anything "interesting" in them anyway).
I'm sure I must have got near a file-count limit on my ~/.gEDA/logs dir
before now!
Best wishes,
Peter C.
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