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Re: gEDA-user: setting PCB background color
Found it, it was a naive assumption on the part of the original
*Now* Pcb.masterForm*output*background sets the board background.
(cvs update src/draw.c if appropriate)
Index: draw.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pcb/pcb/src/draw.c,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -p -2 -r1.13 draw.c
*** draw.c 19 Jan 2004 19:16:17 -0000 1.13
--- draw.c 4 Feb 2004 00:53:19 -0000
*************** Redraw (Boolean ClearWindow)
*** 274,278 ****
TO_DRAWABS_Y (PCB->MaxHeight));
! XSetForeground (Dpy, Output.bgGC, ~0);
XSetForeground (Dpy, Output.fgGC, Settings.OffLimitColor);
XFillRectangle (Dpy, DrawingWindow, Output.fgGC,
--- 274,278 ----
TO_DRAWABS_Y (PCB->MaxHeight));
! XSetForeground (Dpy, Output.bgGC, Settings.bgColor);
XSetForeground (Dpy, Output.fgGC, Settings.OffLimitColor);
XFillRectangle (Dpy, DrawingWindow, Output.fgGC,