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Re: gEDA-user: gschem 20040111: adding component directories?


>Thanks for reading this. Gschem doesn't find my custom parts 
>directory. I have done a fair bit of head-scratching etc, but it 
>didn't help much.

	Unfortunately, I am to blame for this change in behavior.

>directory under /usr/local/share/gEDA/sym, and putting the components 
>there didn't help. File and directory permissions were set 
>identically to the 'official' component directories.

	Starting with 20040111, I commented out the following keyword
from the system-commonrc file:

; component-library-search atring
; Specifies the directory where other component libraries can be found
; The string after this keyword should be a valid directory name.
; This is commented out since it will add in the above commented out
; component libraries automatically and this will most certainly cause
; schematics to break. AVH 01/04/2004
;(component-library-search "${GEDADATA}@PATHSEP@sym")

	I did this because I did not want gschem to automatically find
three component libraries I commented out.  I had not realized that
people actually depended on this behavior.

There are two solutions to this problem:

1) Commented back in "component-library-search" and then you will have the
   2003* behavior.

2) Better yet, explicitly add the various component libraries to a local
   gschemrc file (such as in ~/.gEDA/gschemrc or a gschemrc file in the 
   current directory).

	Worse yet,  I did not place this information into the release notes.
I have now updated the 20040111 release notes with this change in behavior.

	Sorry about the mess.  Let me know if you still have problems.
