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Re: gEDA-user: PCB: possible thermal fix

> It looks like thermal fingers are drawn after the layer mask has been 
> applied to the layer and not before.

Hmmm... IIRC the code is supposed to draw all the copper reliefs (the
non-copper annulus around the pin), then switch layer polarities, then
draw the pin's copper and the fingers.

It sounds like the reliefs for poly-clearing lines is also being done
in the first part, which means we'd need to turn the two loops into

	flash annulus (neg polarity)
	flash fingers (pos)
	flash poly-clearing reliefs (neg)
	flash lines (pos)

Unfortunately, the loops (in print.c) call PinOrVia and don't know how
the underlying devices will print the thermals.  Maybe that code needs
to be moved out of the device-dependent part and up into the common
print routines?