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Re: gEDA-user: mac os x fink packages

On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 21:12:07 -0800, Michael Rogers <vokuhila@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I was hoping someone might have some experience getting the geda-bundle
> to port to os x.

A couple of questions:

* What version of OS X? Do you know which version of the developer
tools is installed?
* What does 'fink --version' show?
* What does 'grep Trees /sw/etc/fink.conf' return?
* Which steps on the web page? (it describes both using tarballs of
info files, and checking the files out via CVS)

Sorry if you tried to email me directly-- I get a lot of spam, and
sometimes legitimate messages fall through the cracks.

- Charles Lepple