Charles, It's broken again. It compiled for a while, and when it got to the end the following was what I got in terminal: ...dpkg-deb -b root-xfree86- /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/x11-system dpkg-deb: building package `xfree86' in `/sw/fink/dists/stable/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/x11-system/xfree86_4.3.99.16-2_darwin-powerpc.deb'. Writing control file... Finding prebound objects... Writing dependencies... Writing package script preinst... Writing package script postinst... Writing shlibs file... dpkg-deb -b root-xfree86-shlibs- /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/x11-system dpkg-deb: building package `xfree86-shlibs' in `/sw/fink/dists/stable/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/x11-system/xfree86-shlibs_4.3.99.16-2_darwin-powerpc.deb'. dpkg -i /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/x11-system/xfree86_4.3.99.16-2_darwin-powerpc.deb /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/x11-system/xfree86-shlibs_4.3.99.16-2_darwin-powerpc.deb Selecting previously deselected package xfree86. (Reading database ... 3983 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking xfree86 (from .../xfree86_4.3.99.16-2_darwin-powerpc.deb) ... WARNING: if you compile X11 applications against this XFree86 release, you will *not* be able to run them if you decide to revert to Apple's X11 provided with Panther. You have an existing X11 installation in /usr/X11R6 and/or /etc/X11. This package refuses to overwrite these. Remove them, then tell Fink to install xfree86 again. (The package won't be recompiled.) If you want to keep your X11 installation, install system-xfree86 resp. system-xtools instead to make this known to Fink's package system. Press Return to continue. I messed around trying to remove my X11(the Apple version) and reinstall using fink commander, but it won't remove X11, complains that the libs are not empty. Then I thought I should remove everything on my computer that has anything to do with geda and start fresh, following exactly the instructions on your web page, starting with cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@xxxxxxxxxx:/home/cvsroot co fink-geda this puts fink-geda into /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo, and fink index gets it into the commander (I did this from each of the 3 directories /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo, /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/finkinfo and /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo, to make sure fink was up to date on all of the 3 dirs. I don't know how it manages its packages and I wanted to be sure everything was in order). Fink list geda now shows Information about 1755 packages read in 1 seconds. geda-bundle 20040111-2 Bundle of latest available gaf, iverilog ... geda-doc 20040111-2 GNU EDA documentation geda-examples 20040111-2 GNU EDA example projects geda-gnetlist 20040111-2 GNU EDA netlist generation tool geda-gschem 20040111-2 GNU EDA schematic capture tool geda-gsymcheck 20040111-2 GNU EDA symbol checking tool geda-symbols 20040111-2 GNU EDA schematic symbol files geda-utils 20040111-2 GNU EDA miscellaneous conversion utilities libgdgeda 2.0.15-4 GNU EDA image creation routines libgdgeda6-s... 2.0.15-4 GNU EDA image creation routines (shared l... libgeda 20040111-3 GNU EDA library routines (developer files) libgeda20-sh... 20040111-3 GNU EDA library routines (shared libraries) michaelrogers:/sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo root# Now if I try and do a fink install geda-bundle, I get the same dependency problems as before. I thought I'd try each part of the package separately (it doesn't have the problem until the verilog part), going by the list on your web page • geda-bundle ◦ geda-gnetlist ◦ geda-symbols ▪ geda-doc ▪ geda-gschem ▪ geda-examples ▪ geda-gsymcheck ◦ geda (gManager) ◦ pcb ◦ gerbv ◦ iverilog Doing a fink install geda-gnetlist, it downloads lots of stuff and does a lot of what looks like compiling, and in the end I am now back to the X11 problem mentioned above. I don't know what to try next, so here's the info you asked for the first time around. OS X version is 10.3.8, The Developer version is the one that comes w/ Xcode, not Projectbuilder. Xcode version is 1.2 Xcode ide: 309.0 Xcode core: 310.0 ToolSupport: 307.0 I don't remember now if Developer was on my hard drive when the computer came from apple of if I downloaded it. The computer was new in June or July of 2004, are we concerned about a particular compiler here or something? fink version: michaelrogers:~ michaelrogers$ fink --version Package manager version: 0.21.3 Distribution version: 0.7.1 grep for trees in fink.conf: michaelrogers:~ michaelrogers$ grep Trees /sw/etc/fink.conf Trees: local/main stable/main stable/crypto Charles Lepple wrote: On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 21:12:07 -0800, Michael Rogers <vokuhila@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:I was hoping someone might have some experience getting the geda-bundle to port to os x.A couple of questions: * What version of OS X? Do you know which version of the developer tools is installed? * What does 'fink --version' show? * What does 'grep Trees /sw/etc/fink.conf' return? * Which steps on the web page? (it describes both using tarballs of info files, and checking the files out via CVS) Sorry if you tried to email me directly-- I get a lot of spam, and sometimes legitimate messages fall through the cracks. |