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Re: gEDA-user: mac os x fink packages

On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 20:59:00 -0800, Michael Rogers <vokuhila@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  I messed around trying to remove my X11(the Apple version) and reinstall
> using fink commander, but it won't remove X11, complains that the libs are
> not empty.

The problem seems to be that you have Apple X11 installed, but perhaps
not the X11 SDK.

The other route is to install XFree86, which apparently got compiled
when you were trying to install gEDA. Here's a link with more info on
that option:


> (I did this from each of the 3 directories
> /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo, /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/finkinfo and
> /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo, to make sure fink was up to date on
> all of the 3 dirs. I don't know how it manages its packages and I wanted to
> be sure everything was in order). Fink list geda now shows

You may want to remove it from everywhere except

>  The computer was new in June or July of 2004, are we concerned about a
> particular compiler here or something?

Just trying to figure out how different it is from my setup. I think I
have Xcode 1.5 (the mac is at home now).
>  grep for trees in fink.conf:
>  michaelrogers:~ michaelrogers$ grep Trees /sw/etc/fink.conf
>  Trees: local/main stable/main stable/crypto

What this means is that Fink will search for info files in
local/main/*/finkinfo, then in stable/main/*/finkinfo and
stable/crypto/*/finkinfo (where * is zero or more intermediate

There are corresponding directories alongside the finkinfo
subdirectories which store compiled packages (.deb files). If things
really go haywire, you may need to search in there for all
gEDA-related files ("find /sw/fink -name '*geda*' -print").

- Charles Lepple