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gEDA-user: gschem: How is the conversion of using Busses

Hello geda-user,
Excuse, but I did'nt found in the manual the conversion of busses.
For example I like to define a bus of 8 Data-Bits D0.. D7, so I take the bus-"tool" draw a bus and connect 8 lines to it - each with his own net-label D0, D1..., D8
Now I would like to use this bus to come over to the next sheet - so I can use a "port" - symbol and define the "net" and the "value" attributes.

And now I don't know:
If I use D0 to D7 for the single nets, how have I to set the "net" attribute of the bus? D1..D7 - or D[1..7] - is there any convention?
Also, I do not know how I have to set the "value" and the "net" attributes of the Port-symbol, which schould make the connection to the next sheet...

Can you tell me about this?
Thank You!