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Re: gEDA-user: Gnucap suggestion

Dnia czwartek, 2 lutego 2006 16:53, Werner Hoch napisał:
> Hi Karel and all,
> On Thursday 02 February 2006 10:17, Karel Kulhavy wrote:
> > I suggest voltage and current controlled voltage and current sources
> > to have value (transconductance, voltage gain, current gain,
> > transresistance) of 1 if the value is not specified.
> I think it is more useful to set a visible default value in gschem.
> If nobody complains, I'll change the four gschem symbols that way.
> regards
> Werner
Generic symbols should have predefined attributes (and made visible). I have 
resistors (and other components)  with predefined value=? and footprint=? 
attributes. In such case the attributes can be placed to make the symbol 
looking  good. It saves some work when editing the schematic since gschem 
places new attributes always in the same corner of symbol, one on a top of 
another, and this looks very bad.
See my (small) symbols at:

Wojciech Kazubski