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Re: gEDA-user: Gnucap suggestion

Hi Wojciech,

On Friday 03 February 2006 12:36, Wojciech Kazubski wrote:
> Generic symbols should have predefined attributes (and made visible).
> I have resistors (and other components)  with predefined value=? and
> footprint=? attributes. 

I'm not sure whether everybody would like that. Values are good for 
spice simulations, but I would not like that the values are set 
automaticly to a specific value (for example 1k). 

I'd prefer a preset value of "XXX". This would indicates clearly that 
there's something missing.

> In such case the attributes can be placed to 
> make the symbol looking  good. 
> It saves some work when editing the 
> schematic since gschem places new attributes always in the same
> corner of symbol.

agreed particulary.
