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Re: gEDA-user: Installation problem - from source - SuSE 10.0 to

On Saturday 11 February 2006 13:03, Stuart Brorson wrote:

> [2]  The problem with GHDL is that you must build it along with
> building gcc-4.0.3.  That is, GHDL is an extension of gcc-4.0.3.
> Building gcc-4.0.3 is quite hairy, and will also mess around with the
> user's natively installed gcc, unless I do a number of work-arounds.
> The work/benefit ratio is accordingly too high for me to include it on
> the CD.

Can I reinforce that building GHDL is a real pain? I wasted a good day trying 
to build it from source, and eventually just installed the binaries tarball 
(which work perfectly okay, it has to be said).

If you're on Fedora Core 4, there are RPMs available (use yum)... this is the 
only way I managed to get it to work on my x86-64 system.


Quake II build tools: http://peter-b.co.uk/
