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Re: gEDA-user: inverted pins?

> * make the pins 100 units long.

Isn't the standard 300 mils (3 grid steps) long?

> For rectangular parts

What my script did was:

* pin numbers are centered above or right of the center of the pin
  (using alignment settings to help), 50 mils away from the pin.
  Similar to yours, I suppose.  I think it would make more sense to
  use your convention for left/right pins at least.  How do you place
  pin numbers when there's an inversion bubble?

* pin labels are inside the box, 50 mils away from the box edge,
  centered on the pin.  Also similar to yours.

>   * group related pins 200 units apart. A minimum space of 300 units between
>     pin groups.

Spec says 400 units for related pins.  I used 800 units (i.e. skip a
pin) to separate groups.

>   * I try to keep inputs on the left, outputs on the right, power on
>   the top, and ground on the bottom.

Me too.

>   * I usually place the refdes in the upper left corner and the mfg
>   part number in the lower left corner.

What about other notes, like generic part type (i.e. RAM size)?  I
chose centered in the box so I could list as many as needed.