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Re: gEDA-user: Postscript PCB lines

Em Ter 28 Fev 2006 12:42, DJ Delorie escreveu:
> > An suggestion I do is to separate outputs in directories, because
> > when I print the gerbers, the .ps, the mirrored, the negative, etc,
> > all comes to the same place by default. What I do is create some
> > dirs, like gerbers, print_normal, print_neg and select it manually
> > on the print dialog (I still use the Xaw version), it would be nice
> > if pcb create them automatically.
> The HID version always gives you the option of specifying where you
> want the output to go.

The Xaw too. My suggestion is to make it more automatically, its not so 
radical, just a few dirs, if you separate one for gerbers and one for 
PostScript, its nice.

> Also, HID can print from the command line, so you can script all your
> printouts rather than doing it with the GUI all the time.

> HID also uses one file per postscript "output", my idea was that you
> can convert it into a PDF that way.  

PCB allways did it so. I dont suggest to change anything, the filenames, 
nothing, just put in separate dirs...

> All the more reason to get 
> auto-mirror to do the right thing, eh? ;-)

Sorry, I couldnt understand what I mean, my english is very poor.