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Re: gEDA-user: Postscript PCB lines

Em Ter 28 Fev 2006 12:23, DJ Delorie escreveu:
> > Also, I would like to generate a print option that would output the
> > bottom layer mirrored and the top layer normal. Needed for using
> > iron on transfers.
> The gtk pcb has a "mirror view" option that lets you create postscript
> files that are mirrored.  You'll have to print twice and pick the
> pages you want from the two sets.
> The HID pcb has an additional "automirror" option that mirrors the
> solder side layers only.  Hmmm, I suppose I could change it so that if
> you picked "mirror" and "automirror" at the same time, it would mirror
> only the component side layers.  Does that sound like it would confuse
> users?

Sorry saying that, but I never made an output with your Lesstif PCB and dont 
have it installed here.
An suggestion I do is to separate outputs in directories, because when I print 
the gerbers, the .ps, the mirrored, the negative, etc, all comes to the same 
place by default. What I do is create some dirs, like gerbers, print_normal, 
print_neg and select it manually on the print dialog (I still use the Xaw 
version), it would be nice if pcb create them automatically. 
What do you think about it?