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gEDA-user: Re: LED 100 != 5mm LED ?

On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 19:29:17 -0600, Mark Rages wrote:

> It seems wasteful for all gEDA users to be doing this.

Yes, it is time consuming. But even with a commercial suite like protel it
was necessary to build a home grown library. 

> I think a board design application should come with a
> tested library of popular footprints.

ack. It should be like that. But alas, there are different points of view
on how exactly a decent footprint should be specified. This is in
particular true for SMD components. That said, John L. does a fabulous job
with his script generated footprints. The collection at geda-symbols.org
is a good idea, too. I will contribute my share, once my first big geda
project has survived the reality check...

Kai-Martin Knaak

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