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gEDA-user: gEDA Binary Suite v0.0.1 released


I am pleased to announce the first official release of the gEDA Binary
Suite.  This binary suite has the following features:

	* Should work on any GNU/Linux distribution released after 
          July 2001.
	* Will not interfere with your distribution's executables and 
	* Installs and runs completely user space.  Does not require 
          root access to install or run.
	* Installation is a simple shell script and runs quickly.
	* Uninstall is a simple recursive delete.
	* Currently contains the following programs from the gEDA 

		- gEDA/gaf (gschem and friends) v1.4.0
                - gerbv v2.0.1
                - pcb (both the gtk+ and lesstif versions) v20080202
                - xgsch2pcb v0.1.2

	* Right now, xgsch2pcb is also linked to the executable name "geda".
	* As discussed earlier on this list, I have linked things up so that
          you can type:  geda<TAB>  and see a listing of all the toplevel 
          programs in the suite.  I will be expanding this list as time 
          goes on.
	* The simulation programs will be added later if I can solve some 
	  fundamental install and runtime issues.
	* Allows the gEDA developers to move forward with more modern
	  versions of the various dependencies. :-)


Please read the README for system requirements and installation information.
This is the first release so I expect there to be some bugs, so please
report them. Thanks,


PS. The md5sum of the tarball is: 
05ab89a0ed51df22aadc36c2e1325236  gedasuite-linux-x86-0.0.1.tar.bz2
Please verify it after download. 

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