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Re: gEDA-user: xgsch2pcb and gschem

Le lundi 18 février 2008 à 23:22 +0000, Peter TB Brett a écrit :

> Are your LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc set in your .bashrc, or your .bash_profile?
> *Not* from a terminal (e.g. in some window managers press Alt-F2 to get 
> a "Run" dialog), run the following command and report the results:
>   zenity --info --text=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> Also, run the same command from a terminal.
> For me, I get:
> - Blank message for the Alt-F2 route
> - /home/peter/opt/lib from a terminal

I get same blank message for both.

> The blank message means that any program run from a menu icon or desktop icon 
> will not pick up the correct environment to be able to run programs which 
> require libgeda (from your description, it sounds like this isn't your issue, 
> but please check anyway).
> Many window managers' "Run" windows allow you to specify that you want the 
> command to "Run in a terminal window".  Please do this for xgsch2pcb, and 
> report any output when it attempts to launch gschem (this is different from 
> running it from a bash prompt in a terminal window, in that the environment 
> will be that of the window manager rather than that of the interactive 
> shell).

When "Run in a terminal window" is specified gschem works like a

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