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Re: gEDA-user: pick and place ?plugin?footprints.c? for

>  hmm.  Thats a good idea.  I don't think it quite gets you 100% there
>  because if you compare a typical pad on an SO to something like one of
>  the larger smt resistors I think the pads are 90 degrees out.  But I do
>  think that perhaps combining your idea with the current code might do
>  it.  In other words, we figure out what quadrant we're in with the
>  current code and then use the angle of the pad to figure out where
>  within the quadrant.  What do you think?
>  Of course with a DIP or other 100% leaded you're sunk but then again
>  I'll bet these days almost no one is machine stuffing leaded parts.  If
>  they are, they get what they deserve ;)
>  With regards to square pads, how about this.  Add an extra rule that
>  says if you have square pads then look to see if it is a 2 pin
>  footprint.  If so, figure out rotation from the line formed between the
>  2 pins.  I'll bet this captures most (but of course not all) of the
>  square pad cases.

Oddly enough, after drawing this idea out,  it looks like it all works
out as the perpendicular to the stroke of pin 1

i had nice drawings till X11 crashed...

first rule,  use centroid and orientation data from footprint.
second rule,    the perpendicular vector of the stroke of pad 1 away
from the centroid. provided it does not conflict with the first rule
third rule,  when pads are square/circle or pins only  the vector from
pin/pad 2 to pin/pad 1, provided that pin/pad 2 and pin/pad 1 share a
common axis, provided it dose not conflict with the first or second

Golden rule,  ask user on export.

We could even show this data on a layer in PCB, or view this in gerbv
as a ball at the centroid with a stick and arrow in the direction of
the axis.
This would allow a human to verify the axis and rotation.

For pick and place if we are consistent than that is half of the battle.


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