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Re: gEDA-user: PCB | how to update the pcb, if a change is made to the schematic?

Ben Jackson wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 01:32:17PM -0800, S. Aguinaga wrote:
>>    ** In the PCB, is there a command to move components to a specific x,y
>>    location?
> Not really, although if you get my "distribute/align" plugin from
> gedasymbols you can bind a key to warp the selected elements to the cursor.
> So you can set the grid, move to a spot and hit a key to move the element.
>>    ** After starting on the PCB, I have to make a change to the
>>    schematics, is there a way to update
>>    the pcb file? Without affecting placement or All routing?
> You run gsch2pcb again.  It produces a board.pcb.new which you load into
> your layout (File | Load layout data...) and a new netlist.  Your board.pcb
> is unaffected except that deleted components are removed.
> I recommend you keep all of your working files under some kind of source
> control (RCS, CVS, SVN, etc) so you can save versions of your board before
> you do this.

I completely agree with Ben's comment.  I tend to check in things like 
schematics or layouts in progress quite regularly since it gives a good 
way to backtrack if you do something stupid like 'rm *'.  Not that I've 
ever done that before....  It also helps if you manage to mess up 
something and just want to revert.


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