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Re: gEDA-user: why separate xgsch2pcb?

Chris Cole wrote:
Just curious, why not include xgsch2pcb functionality inside of gschem?

As an aside, the first thing that lept to mind, was the Unix philosophy of "one tool, one job." So, I started digging to find where it came from. It's one of those "quoted all over the place, but no origin to be found" kind of phrases.

The best I could find was this [1], which sums it up nicely.

I personally don't use xgsch2pcb. I run gsch2pcb from a Makefile, but that's my personal preference. I prefer to script jobs that shouldn't need to be interactive. ymmv.



[1] - http://www.faqs.org/docs/artu/ch01s06.html

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