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Re: gEDA-user: why separate xgsch2pcb?


> And I wasn't saying that xgsch2pcb should
> be a drop-in window "as-is" to gschem, but I think it would be rather
> nice if you could generate netlists and output to pcb straight from
> gschem. Just a thought. I might even be willing to help if anyone else
> is interested in the idea.

Maybe this mail from geda-dev could help: "A GTK based "Generic Gschem
Dynamic Scripting Tools Menus" package is available"

From http://www.seul.org/pipermail/geda-dev/2008-August/013756.html
"The dynamic scripting tools menu system allows you
to invoke any program or script (Scheme, Shell, Python, Perl,
etc) from the menu thru the Scheme/Shell interface
with the ability to pass Gschem internal parameters
to/from your scripts, and with the ability to use
UI dialog easily."

Example code:

I never used or tried the example given above, it might be your
starting point.


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