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Re: gEDA-user: how to use an existing pcb newlib with gsch2pcb

On Sunday 09 January 2005 02:44, Bill Wilson wrote:
> DIdn't notice that because they display fine in Mozilla/Firefox and
> other viewing programs I use (gqview, eog, display).  The images were
> captured with ImageMagick's import command which seems to setting an
> offset some programs don't like... well heck, that's just darn
> inconvenient!

O yes, ImageMagik. I remember that I had the same problem when I was 
cropping sections of scanned images.
As a workaround, I converted the files into tiff an then back to png.
  convert bla.png temp.tiff
  convert temp.tiff bla.png

This command generated the wrong borders:
convert -crop 770x480+220+270 -normalize -colors 8 "$line" 
